Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams

Infinite Possibilities"We live in a Universe that adores us, a Universe with inviolate principles that anyone can harness without limitations or regard to their past . . . "

We are INFINITE and POWERFUL . . . fun-loving gladiators of the Universe; adverturers just bing human, with eternity before us, and the power of our thoughts to help shape it."

Totally Unique Thoughts

Mike DooleyMike Dooley is a very unusual man. He writes inspirational messages to his readers as if he is speaking for the Universe (he knows he's not really the Universe . . . !)

These daily messages inspire, encourage, uplift, give perspective on life's problems and challenges - and are written from the vantage point of an all-powerful, all-knowing, compassionate and loving Being.

Sign up (its free!) for these daily messages from TUT by clicking here: Notes from The Universe. Look forward each morning to what The Universe/Mike has to say to YOU. It’s usually quite interesting and on the mark!

Try it! See if, after reading TUT’s brief messages for a week, you feel a bit more optimistic, you like yourself a little better, perhaps you’re not quite so worried about the future.

Infinite Possibilities: An Extraordinary Audio Series

Infinite Possibilities

In this extraordinary audio series (which you can try RISK FREE) Mike Dooley teaches the “Truths of Being,” reminding us that there are spiritual principles which bring harmony and magic to the Universe just as the physical realities of gravity and the speed of light structure our lives every day.

He asserts that we don’t need more education, more connections or more lucky breaks — but we do need to understand the principles and concepts that every prophet has shared since the beginning of time — principles that have everything to do with the truth about who we are, why we’re here, and the magic at our disposal.

"WE MAKE OUR OWN REALITIES, OUR OWN FATE AND OUR OWN LUCK . . . that is how powerful we are . . . and that is how powerful YOU are." "THIS IS THE KIND OF AFFIRMATIVE MESSAGE WE ALL NEED TO HEAR as often as we have to hear all the other messages filled with negativity and pessimism. This is the mission behind INFINITE POSSIBILITIES: THE ART OF LIVING YOUR DREAMS!

The Art of Living Your Dreams is made up of twelve CDs (or 12 cassettes, if preferred). Each recording is about 1 hour in length. Here are the topics covered on each:

  1. Thoughts Become Things - Explanations and anecdotes on the absolute power of YOUR thoughts, how they shape the events and circumstances of your life, and how they can be used to affect extraordinary life changes.

  2. Beliefs - The precursors of your thoughts and imagination. How to detect and work with yours so as to align them with the life of your dreams.

  3. Blessed Emotions - What they are, where they come from, how to understand their source and learn from them.

  4. Life's Waiting for YOU - The importance of all the things you think, say and do. How you make your intentions known to the Universe, and how you can instantly change the direction of your life.

  5. Gifts from Heaven - Your desires, dreams, hunches and intuition all have a reason for being in your life; a really, really important reason.

  6. Magical Universe - Faith and the magic it inspires in a Universe conspiring on YOUR behalf.

  7. The Elixir of Life - Focuses on understanding your true nature as a spiritual being as well as the underlying nature of reality. Considers karma and its common misconceptions, past lives, the Bigger YOU, what's meant to be, and life's "Big Picture."

  8. Abundance, Health and Harmony - Your inalienable birthrights.

  9. Relationships - At home, at work, in love . . . how to move with, and understand, yours to maximize the learning and rewards they promise.

  10. Tools and Techniques - Even more simple tips on applying the contents of this series to YOUR life. Creative visualization, belief bulldozing, acting as if, tuning in, understanding, changing your beliefs, using imagination, harnessing positive thinking (as a tool, not a cover-up), modeling, and more.

  11. Questions and Answers - Philosophical and penetrating answers to some of the most commonly asked and difficult questions about life, dreams and happiness.

  12. The Meaning of Life - A little story, and an inspiring wrap on the "game" of life.